Teak: Imperialism and the Role of Britain in the Siamese - Lanna Relations before 1899

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อารยา ฟ้ารุ่งสาง



This article argues that economic interests from teak trade and teak concessions are crucial factors that led to the direct control of Lanna by Siam, the annexation of territory, and the abolition of the colonial status of Lanna in 1899. Unlike conventional assumptions, namely, Britain giving Siam no choices and thus forcing Siam to protect Lanna from Britain. In fact, the huge interests of teak trade and the role of Britain in teak issues in Lanna had led Siam to control Lanna directly and completely, replacing the system of loosely governing Lanna before the Chiang Mai Treaty in 1874.  Such a process occurred amidst the growth of imperialism which directly affected all states around.  Britain’s Bowring Treaty signed by Siam and the allowance of Lanna leaders which enabled British traders to freely conduct teak trade, followed by the same-contents treaties signed by Siam and other 14 states have greatly satisfied Britain and resulted in a no-colonial status for Siam. The results of imperialism in Siam and Lanna thus differed from those in other states. Consequently, Siam had become a semi-colonial state. However, despite having suffered a number of disadvantages with western nations, Siam was able to maintain her traditional political regime, pursuing her colonizing scheme, destroying local power of the colonies step by step, and finally annexing Lanna to become a part of the Siamese Kingdom.

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How to Cite
ฟ้ารุ่งสาง อ. (2021). Teak: Imperialism and the Role of Britain in the Siamese - Lanna Relations before 1899. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 22(3), 12–25. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JHUMANS/article/view/246921
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