The Impact of Psychological Capital, Authentic Leadership, and Workplace Spirituality on Collaboration of the Civil Servants in the Department of Corrections in Remand Prisons, Bangkok.

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Chawin Silaphan
Rattigorn Chongvisal


The objectives of this research were to study: (1) the level of psychological capital, authentic leadership, workplace spirituality, and collaboration of the civil servants in the department of corrections in remand prisons, Bangkok; and (2) the influence of psychological capital, authentic leadership, and workplace spirituality as predictors to collaboration of the civil servants in the department of corrections in remand prisons, Bangkok. The samples of the research were consisted of 236 civil servants in the department of corrections working in the remand prisons, Bangkok comprising Bangkok remand prison, Thon Buri remand prison and Min Buri remand prison; selecting participants using multi-stage sampling. The data were analyzed with a statistical computer software for research. Analytical statistics were percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient, stepwise multiple regression analysis. Results revealed that (1) the civil servants in the department of corrections in remand prisons, Bangkok had a high level of psychological capital, authentic leadership, workplace spirituality, and collaboration; and (2) psychological capital, authentic leadership, and workplace spirituality could jointly predict collaboration of the civil servants in the department of corrections in remand prisons, Bangkok at 82.8% with .001 level of significance.

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How to Cite
Silaphan, C., & Chongvisal, R. (2021). The Impact of Psychological Capital, Authentic Leadership, and Workplace Spirituality on Collaboration of the Civil Servants in the Department of Corrections in Remand Prisons, Bangkok . Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 22(2), 95–114. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Chawin Silaphan, Master of Science (Industrial and Organizational Psychology), Kasetsart University

Human Resource Officer, Practitioner Level (Human Resource Management Division), Department of Corrections.


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