Psychological Process of Counter-urbanization People

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Peerapol Jirapathomsakul
Teerawan Teerapong


The purpose of this study was to explore psychological process involved counter-urbanization among people who has migrated from the urban to the rural. The qualitative case study method has been used in this study. Data were collected by the in-depth interviews with five migrants who used to live in Bangkok and willingly moved to rural area in Thailand.

          The result reflected that Psychological Process of Migration could be divided into three main aspects. To clarify, The first aspect was the Motivation for Migration which included 1) Lifestyle Changes 2) Pursuit of Dream 3) Rural Development 4) Simplicity 5) Urbanization of Bangkok 6) Rural idyll 7) Family 8) Work 9) Vivid Life Goal and 10) The Increasing of Life Satisfaction in Current Circumstances. Next, the second aspect, Adjustment of Migration, was combined of 7 elements, including 1) Different Lifestyle 2) Anchor of Transition 3) Unfamiliar Job 4) Living with Less Income 5) Flexibility 6) Living with Different Culture and Belief and 7) Stranger Society. Finally, The last aspect, Mental health of Migrant, was classified into 7 elements, including 1) Courage 2)  Pre-migratory State 3) Social Support 4) Defense Mechanisms used for Anxiety 5) Resilience  6) Happiness 7) Personal growth.

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How to Cite
Jirapathomsakul, P., & Teerapong, T. (2021). Psychological Process of Counter-urbanization People. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 22(2), 196–209. retrieved from
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