Students’ Satisfaction of the Information Literacy Course Using the Collaborative Learning and Collaborative Teaching Approaches to Enhance the 21st Century Skills

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Piyapat Jarusawat


This study aimed investigating the satisfaction of students enrolling in the course 009103: Information Literacy and information Presentation which was taught using the collaborative learning and collaborative teaching methods. The study aimed at compiling ideas and feedbacks as well as evaluating the satisfaction level of the students. The samples were 78 international-program students who studied in the course. Questionnaires were used to evaluate their satisfaction towards five activities in the course, which aimed to enhance the 4C skills--critical thinking skill, communication, collaboration, and creativity. The data, in terms of content, learning-skill development and innovation, instructor and learning facilities, were analysed using frequency, percentage, means, and standard deviation. The study revealed that the overall satisfaction of each activity was at a high level. According to the collaborative learning and collaborative teaching, the students had opportunities to improve the skills and to learn to work as a team. They were encouraged to use English verbal and nonverbal communication, and drawing skill to express opinions and exchange ideas with their friends and teachers. These first-handed experiences were not only associated with the students-based learning method but also efficiently enhance the 4C skills, which are the essential skill set for students in the 21st century.

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How to Cite
Jarusawat, P. (2020). Students’ Satisfaction of the Information Literacy Course Using the Collaborative Learning and Collaborative Teaching Approaches to Enhance the 21st Century Skills. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 21(3), 43–62. retrieved from
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