Digital transformation and Impacts to Organization

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Chanchira Laorach


As digital technology progresses at a rapid pace, traditional organisation management has difficulties responding to the style of competition, consumer behavior, products, and services, as well as the operational approach, thus resulting in the need for organizations to implement changes to the infrastructure by incorporating new technology into both the internal and external operations. At present, many organizations in Thailand, including public organizations, state enterprises and private organizations, are in the process of digital transformation. Executives have decided on digital strategies as a part of the business operation plan and such integration would contribute to successful digital transformation. This literature review and synthesis aims to inform executives about digital transformation and its impacts on organizations, to be used for decision-making and preparation for successful implementation in all sectors. The author researched relevant literature and previous studies from Online Databases and Google Scholar, using keywords. Researched documents, 18 in total, were divided into three groups, including seven research articles, seven academic articles and four review articles. Based on the content analysis, the impacts of digital transformation were divided into six aspects, namely 1) business model, 2) operation process, 3) consumer experience, 4) personnel, 5) organization’s culture and 6) infrastructure.

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How to Cite
Laorach, C. (2021). Digital transformation and Impacts to Organization. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 22(1), 227–240. retrieved from
Review Articles


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