Interpersonal Styles and Linguistic Strategies in Articles in German and Thai Academic Journals of Language and Literature

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Wilita Sriuranpong


Articles in academic journals are a genre of academic writing significant for the communication among scholars of the same discipline. The language forms and linguistic strategies used in academic articles usually derive from interpersonal features or roles of participants in the scholarly communication. The objective of this research is therefore to analyze comparatively the interpersonal styles and linguistic strategies employed in articles in German and Thai academic journals of language and literature. The methodology used in this study is the analysis of the interpersonal features based on the concepts of Kresta (1995) which were developed from the perspective of Systemic-functional linguistics regarding the interpersonal metafunction of language. The research findings reveal that nowadays both German and Thai writers tend to refer to themselves in the articles. In contrast to the conventional style of German academic writing, the first-person singular pronoun ich has been increasingly favored among German writers. On the other hand, phußukhiàan or phußuwicaj is the word commonly used by Thai writers when they refer to themselves. Despite the explicit self-reference in the papers, writers of both languages use the same popular hedging device to express their opinion carefully, namely the modal auxiliary verbs.

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How to Cite
Sriuranpong, W. (2020). Interpersonal Styles and Linguistic Strategies in Articles in German and Thai Academic Journals of Language and Literature. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 21(3), 128–151. retrieved from
Research Articles


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