The Curriculum Development in English Communication Course for Tourism in Wiang Sa District, Nan Province

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Nilubon Srithep


At present, more number of foreign tourists are visiting Wiang Sa District, Nan. Therefore, there is a need to develop English communication curriculum to create potential for people in the community. In this paper, the researchers surveyed the needs for developing English communication for tourism in people in the community. The team has developed English Communication for Tourism Course based on the basic information and the needs of the community. The samples used in this study were 230 individuals who were involved in tourism activities in Klang Wiang Sub-District and Wiang Sa Sub-District. In the course of study, the participants were divided into 2 groups. In the first group, there were 200 individuals who provided data on the needs for English communication for tourism. For the other group, there were 30 individuals who took the test which was used to assess the efficiency of English Communication for Tourism Course developed for the community. The findings of this study showed that the developed English Communication for Tourism Course could enhance the participants’ skills and ability to use English for communication.

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How to Cite
Srithep, N. (2020). The Curriculum Development in English Communication Course for Tourism in Wiang Sa District, Nan Province. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 21(3), 24–42. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Nilubon Srithep, 0866201524

Lecturer, Nan College, Uttaradit Rajabhat University


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