Cross-Cultural Adjustment of Expatriates Working with Thais in Chiang Mai: A Qualitative Study in Behavioral Sciences

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Pinnapa Muakyod
Saowaree Chiwan
Sani Saihomhual
Li Ying
Thanyalak Boonlue


This qualitative study was to analyze the factors influencing an adjustment process of expatriates working with Thais. Empirical data was collected through qualitative research, consisting of in-depth interviews, in which the data were analyzed by using a content analysis method. Data collection was from 30 key informants selected by using the purposive sampling method and using a snowball technique. They were ASEAN expatriates, also Asians, Europeans, Americans, Australians, and Africans, who have been working with the Thais in Chiang Mai for at least 10 months. Finding from the analyzes reflected several factors influencing the cross-cultural adjustment of expatriates working with Thais. They were categorized into 2 phases. The first phase was Out-Country Adjustment, which is before traveling into Thailand to work. This phase consisted of motivations including push factors, pull factors, individual factors, and anticipatory adjustment, which includes training, previous experience, selection mechanisms and criteria. The second phase was In-Country Adjustment, which includes attitude, perceptual skill, personality, self-efficacy, cross-cultural motivation, cross-cultural communication, social support, organizational support, and job. The findings of this research can be used in organizations with international employees as the guidelines to provide social support, preparation, orientation, and expatriate management.

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How to Cite
Muakyod, P., Chiwan, S., Saihomhual, S., Ying, L., & Boonlue, T. (2020). Cross-Cultural Adjustment of Expatriates Working with Thais in Chiang Mai: A Qualitative Study in Behavioral Sciences. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 21(3), 106–127. retrieved from
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