Study on Depression, Stress and Problem Management of freshman in King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok

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สุภาภรณ์ เหรียญประดับ
Khwanthida Phimphakarn
Potjanat Kuesakul
Kitti Kuesakul


 The objective of this research was to study depression, stress and problem management of freshmen undergraduate students, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok.
The samples were 385 first-year undergraduate students and the study used questionnaires to acquire data. The data was analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. The research results were as follows: 97.66 percent of people have no depression (376 people). 71.69 percent have low level of depression (276 people). The problem management or coping mechanism were reviewed as follows: emotion management means equal 3.32 (x =3.32), confronting the problem means equal 2.64 (x =2.64) and indirect management means equal 2.25 (x =2.25). For the relationship between stress and depression and problem management, it was found that emotion management, as well as confrontation with the problems methods had a moderate correlation (r = .64, r = .53). The indirect management method showed a low-level correlation (r = .38). For the association between depression and problem management in each aspect, the result showed that depression with indirect problem management and depression with confrontation had a moderate level of correlation (r = .63, r = .59). Depression and emotional management had a low-level correlation (r = .32) with statistical significance 0.01.

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How to Cite
เหรียญประดับ ส., Phimphakarn, K., Kuesakul, P., & Kuesakul, K. (2020). Study on Depression, Stress and Problem Management of freshman in King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 21(2), 103–119. retrieved from
Research Articles


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