Happiness of the Elderly: Meaning Through Works

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ผ่องนภา คิดหา


The purpose of this research was to study the meaning of happiness based on the experiences of elderly people who still desired to work. Phenomenology study, an approach to the qualitative research, was employed. In-depth interviews were conducted with 8 elderly people who still desired to work in old age. The initial data analysis was carried out through content analysis after all relevant data was gathered. The derived analysis reflected 2 key points: the background of the elderly who still desired to work and the meaning of happiness in work. The first point explained life according to each informant in terms of the ways of life and working. It concerned the experience the informant had gained over a long time. The second point showed the meaning of happiness as derived from the working experience of 8 elderly participants. There were 6 aspects in this study covering 1) happiness from prime, 2) happiness in fascinating and skillful working, 3) happiness from good relationships in the workplace, 4) happiness from having shared possibility, 5) happiness from enjoyment in work, and 6) happiness in working because of having something to do. The results revealed that the happiness of the elderly came from working happily. It was happiness derived from the value of work and the perception that what they did had some meaning on this earth. Their descendants should support them to work and get to do what they love as well as enhancing their capacity and suitability for their age. Besides, other people in Thailand should understand happiness from the viewpoint of elderly who still desire to work. This could be a guideline to prepare readiness for people to be happier when they are elderly.

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How to Cite
คิดหา ผ. (2019). Happiness of the Elderly: Meaning Through Works. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 20(3), 174–199. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JHUMANS/article/view/217791
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