Workplace Spirituality A Factor leading to Employee Engagement and Well-Being at Work

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Thiptapone Yimprasert
Manop Chunin
Pinkanok Wongpinpetch


This article focuses on the theoretical concepts in the field of workplace spirituality. It is related to the issues of employee engagement and well-being at work. The analysis aims to create knowledge, understanding, awareness, and to be used as the basis for the system designed to change or advance the paradigm of human resources management in an organization. Moreover, not only it uses human resources to achieve the organizational outcome, but it also emphasizes the value and importance of spirituality in the humanistic dimension. It can also be applied to the human-resource management system in the context of Thailand, expecting to generate high potentiality and productivity in future.

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How to Cite
Yimprasert, T., Chunin, M., & Wongpinpetch, P. (2019). Workplace Spirituality: A Factor leading to Employee Engagement and Well-Being at Work. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 20(3), 46–74. retrieved from
Academic Articles
Author Biography

Thiptapone Yimprasert


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