Psychological Carrying Capacity in Recreation Aspects of Tourism Attractions in Doi Inthanon National Park

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varaphorn Duangsaeng


Doi Inthanon National Park is an important place of Thailand. There are various tourist attractions. Due to the fact that the National Park possesses its own regulations for protection, and carrying capacity is limited, Psychological Carrying Capacity (PsCC) becomes the most suitable means to be used to reflect the number of visitors of which the park can accommodate. Although PsCC focuses on congestion, it was found from the study that PsCC is consistent with the size of the study site. In other words, the tourist attractions with large areas have higher capacity from the psychological perspective than the smaller ones. This can be concluded that the size of the area correlates with PsCC.

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How to Cite
Duangsaeng, varaphorn. (2019). Psychological Carrying Capacity in Recreation Aspects of Tourism Attractions in Doi Inthanon National Park. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 20(3), 200–234. retrieved from
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