Linguistic Strategies in Financial Service Ads on Thai TV: Issues of Saving and Getting a Loan Issues of Saving and Getting a Loan

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Natha Angsuwiriya


The objectives of the study are to analyze linguistic strategies in financial transaction advertisements on Thai television dealing with getting a loan and saving. The data utilized in the study was gathered from 77 financial transaction advertisements on TV from 2015 to 2016. The result showed that there are 7 linguistic strategies: 1) using presupposition manipulation 2) modality 3) using implicature 4) using rhetorical questions 5) lexical choice 6) metaphor and 7) intensifier. The findings revealed an important aspect in that the financial institutes offer the interests to customers. Although each linguistic strategy differs greatly from each other which may lead to the different aspects in terms of getting a loan and saving, the findings of the study interestingly provided an insight into the financial institutes’ hidden agenda in that the financial institutes receive the interests of getting a loan and saving instead by using different linguistic strategies in spite of offering them to customers.

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How to Cite
Angsuwiriya, N. (2019). Linguistic Strategies in Financial Service Ads on Thai TV: Issues of Saving and Getting a Loan: Issues of Saving and Getting a Loan. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 20(1), 11–40. retrieved from
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