Knowledge Management for sustainable development highland Area of Teachers in Mae Fah Laung Learning Center for Hilltribes, Chiang Mai

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ชรินทร์ มั่งคั่ง
พัชนี จันทร์ศิริ
พิมพา นวลสวรรค์
มุกดาวรรณ สังข์สุข
พัชราภรณ์ อนุกูล


The aimed of this research to study the context of knowledge management and guidelines for sustainable development highland area of teachers in Mae Fah Laung learning center for hilltribes. This research was a qualitative research method. The key informants were purposive from voluntary 17 teachers in the learning center for hilltribes in basic education level. Instruments used included form in-depth interviews, form recording group discussion whose results would be analyzed in term of content analysis. The results of the study showed that the context of knowledge management highland area for sustainable development of the teachers has been organized with area-based learning process via the investigate and integrate basic information community to knowledge construction for learning management to early childhood students, basic education students, illiterate students, career development for Interested groups in the community, life skill development by using an approach the community leadership collaboration, community network construction, community participation, and sharing information for people in community to know about has been external changing society. In addition area-based knowledge application was applied by the teachers to the best practice such as participatory assessment and community planning, community network for environment and natural resources conservation, citizens are locality awareness. The outcome of sustainable development highland area was the community has a power of tradition conservation, indigenous culture inheritance, traditional herbs group establish for health care and health of the community, community band for local product development, declaration create and agreement community for in order to living peacefully in the community. The guidelines for sustainable development highland area of teachers had 5 components or FPCIL: (1) F: Facilitator (2) P: Participatory assessment and planning (3) C: Community capital value added. (4) I: Innovation of knowledge and (5) L: Lesson-learned.

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มั่งคั่ง ช., จันทร์ศิริ พ., นวลสวรรค์ พ., สังข์สุข ม., & อนุกูล พ. (2018). Knowledge Management for sustainable development highland Area of Teachers in Mae Fah Laung Learning Center for Hilltribes, Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 19(1), 208–236. retrieved from