Buddha Jayanti and Sri Lankan Politics under Solomon Bandaranaike (1956-1959)

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ปรีดี หงษ์สต้น



The Buddha Jayanti in 1956 reveals a significant turning point in Sri Lankan political history. That is, Theravada Buddhism transformed itself from a political project that allied with the union movements from the Left in the 1920s into a movement that pushed for extreme Buddhism agendas, aiming to make Buddhism the most privileged religion in the island.

      This research article uses the political career of Solomon Bandaranaike (1899-1959) as a starting point in a discussion of the emergence of the Sinhala-Buddhist identity, a political instrument that would cause enormous problems in the subsequent Sri Lankan politics. This research finds that allowing extreme Buddhist agendas bears dangerous consequences: Bandaranaike was born politically by the extreme Buddhist agenda but at the same time it backfired on him when he was assassinated by a Buddhist monk in 1959.


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How to Cite
หงษ์สต้น ป. (2018). Buddha Jayanti and Sri Lankan Politics under Solomon Bandaranaike (1956-1959). Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 18(2), 155–175. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JHUMANS/article/view/128192
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