The Precarity at the Sea: The Experience of the Domestic Fishery Vessel Workers in Indonesia

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Miftachul Choir


Compared to the land-based sector, research on the domestic fishery vessel worker is scarce, causing academic, practitioner, and policymaker difficulty to describe their nature and current situation. Therefore, the research inquires what is the situation of fishery vessel workers in Indonesia. The purpose of this article is to describe the working conditions of fishery vessel workers in Indonesia in accordance with the International Labour Organization Convention 188 and Indonesia Fishery Human Rights. Drawn from a mixed method approach with surveys in Jakarta, North Sulawesi, Bali, and Maluku with a total of 318 respondents, our findings suggested the nature of fishery vessel workers is precariat work which lacks job, income and social security. Their precariousness could be indicated by the irregularity of their work, unclear employment law, no fixed income, and their vulnerable social background. As a result of precariousness, rights violations exist in the fishing industry, especially as the Indonesian government has yet to ratify the ILO Convention 188. The study will provide an implication for the study of precariat work in Indonesia as well as the scholarly discussions on rights violations in the seafood industry.

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How to Cite
Mochtar, Z., Abdi Suhufan, M., Nugroho, F. E., & Choir, M. (2023). The Precarity at the Sea: The Experience of the Domestic Fishery Vessel Workers in Indonesia. Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 9(2), 158–185. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies


Muhammad Zulficar Mochtar is the founder and CEO of Ocean Solutions Indonesia. Previously, he was a Directorate General of Capture Fisheries, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, 2015 – 2020. He holds of Master of Science on Sustainability, Planning, and Environmental Policy from Cardiff University in 2002. Currently, Zulficar is a doctoral student at Padjajaran University.


Mohammad Abdi Suhufan is the National Coordinator of Destructive Fishing Watch Indonesia. He holds Bachelor in Marine Science from Hassanuddin University, Indonesia.


Felicia Nugroho is a researcher in Destructive Fishing Watch (DFW) Indonesia. She hold a bachelor's degree in Urban and Regional Planning in Indonesia in 2018. She has work experience as a researcher, project facilitator, and administrative assistant in a consultant for two years. Then, she got a scholarship for a master's program at Wageningen University and Research in The Netherlands. In 2022, she graduated with her master's degree and began her journey as a researcher with DFW Indonesia. Her topics relate to sustainable and community development, regional planning, labour issues in maritime and fisheries, and environment commodification.


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