Protecting the rights of human trafficking victims: Some issues in Vietnam

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Phan Thanh Thanh


The topic will research legal issues in protecting the rights of victims of human trafficking in Vietnam in the 2013 human trafficking prevention law. The research will use the method of synthesizing and analyzing documents. The main finding of this article is that the Government has actively ratified commitments at the international and regional levels to prevent and combat human trafficking and has made many commitments to protect the rights of victims. However, there are still some limitations in the current human trafficking prevention law, including some gaps and inconsistencies between Vietnam's human trafficking prevention law and international commitments which Vietnam has signed, creating several inadequacies for law enforcement agencies in implementing them. This article will analyze the shortcomings in Vietnamese law on protecting the rights of victims as well as ways to improve the rights protection of victims of trafficking more effectively.

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How to Cite
Phan Thanh Thanh. (2024). Protecting the rights of human trafficking victims: Some issues in Vietnam. Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 10(1). Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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