Examining the Impact of SLAPPs on Income Inequality: An In-depth Case Study from Thailand

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Chomkate Ngamkaiwan
Kwan Phetsawang
Wannaphong Durongkaveroj


In recent decades, Thailand’s impressive economic growth and substantial poverty reduction have been overshadowed by the persistent challenge of income inequality, hindering the nation’s progress. This paper explores the correlation between income inequality and a surge in strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs) in Thailand. Drawing on diverse data sources, this study identifies sustained income inequality as a driving force behind the rise in SLAPPs, and vice versa, thus disproportionately affecting economically disadvantaged groups and exacerbating socio-economic disparities. To counteract these trends, the paper advocates reinforcing Thailand’s anti-SLAPP legislation, adopting relevant business initiatives, and fostering active stakeholder engagement to promote a supportive ecosystem for activists and poor, low-income SLAPP victims. These measures are crucial for preserving democratic values, addressing the multifaceted challenges of SLAPPs, and creating a more equitable and participatory societal landscape.

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How to Cite
Ngamkaiwan, C., Phetsawang, K. . ., & Durongkaveroj, W. . (2023). Examining the Impact of SLAPPs on Income Inequality: An In-depth Case Study from Thailand. Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 9(2), 122–157. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HRPS/article/view/271950
Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Chomkate Ngamkaiwan, Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University

Dr. Chomkate Ngamkaiwan is a lecturer at the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University, Thailand. Her research interests include green criminology, transnational organized crime, environmental rights, and ecological justice. 

Kwan Phetsawang, Ramkhamhaeng University

Assist. Prof. Kwan Phetsawang is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics at Ramkhamhaeng University, Thailand. Her research interests include microeconomics, macroeconomics, and economic indicators.

Wannaphong Durongkaveroj, Ramkhamhaeng University

Assist. Prof. Wannaphong Durongkaveroj is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics at Ramkhamhaeng University, Thailand. His research interests include development economics, international trade, and macroeconomics.



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