Examining the Impact of Drought on Farmer Rights in South-Central Mindanao, Philippines

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Lorena Sabino
Noel G. Sabino
Maricel T. Villamayor
Clarissa D. Ruzol
Liezl B. Grefalda
Lara Paul A. Ebal
Juan M. Pulhin


This study investigated the impacts of the 2015-2016 drought on farmers’ rights in the Cities of Koronadal and Kidapawan, South-Central Mindanao, Philippines. The research design utilized a combination of methods, including a literature review, surveys, and focus group discussions with farmers in the study areas from July 2017 to February 2018. The study found that the drought significantly impacted the environment, economy, and society. The drought in 2015-2016 resulted in reduced crop yields, income loss, and food shortages for farmers. Moreover, a significant association was found between water shortages and crop damage due to diseases and insect infestations, which caused a decline in the market value of farm produce, thereby undermining farmers' fundamental rights. This study highlighted the significant cascading effects of drought on farmers' rights, including their rights to water, livelihood, food, health, information, peace, security, property, the ability to save and sell farm produce, and life. Effective policy interventions leading to sustainable livelihood programs, including strategies such as water resource management, livelihood diversification, and promotion of drought-tolerant farming systems, are needed to help farmers cope with drought and build resilience against future water scarcity. In conclusion, the study underscores the urgent need for effective policy interventions to address the risks and vulnerabilities associated with drought and to protect farmers' rights to water and their ability to sustain their livelihoods.

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How to Cite
Sabino, L., Sabino, N. G., Villamayor, M. T. ., Ruzol, C. D. ., Grefalda, L. B. ., Ebal , L. P. A. ., & Pulhin, J. M. . (2023). Examining the Impact of Drought on Farmer Rights in South-Central Mindanao, Philippines. Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 9(1), 56–89. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HRPS/article/view/267012
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