Student activism in Indian universities: A means of improving human rights awareness

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Anamika Anamika


This study investigates the agency of university student activists in educating themselves and others about human rights, through engagement in grassroots campaigns for social justice within and beyond the campus. The study raises the following research questions: what are the sources of human rights consciousness that help building an understanding of human rights among student activists; what role does activism play in developing human rights consciousness of the student activists; and how student activists raise human rights consciousness among other students? To answer these questions, a critical qualitative methodology was employed. The study found out that historical, cultural, racial and family background plays a significant role in shaping the human rights and social justice worldview of the student activists. The youth activism offers varied opportunities to the student activists to strengthen their ideas of social justice and human rights consciousness. The building and strengthening of human rights consciousness leads to educating others about social justice and respect for human rights.    

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How to Cite
Anamika, A. (2022). Student activism in Indian universities: A means of improving human rights awareness. Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 8(2), 223–249. Retrieved from
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