The Characteristics of Violent Religious Nationalism: A Case Study of Mabatha against Rohingya Muslim in Myanmar
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The Rohingya are “one of the most persecuted” religious ethnic minorities of the contemporary world. Their persecution has been started since the ex-Junta era 1962. Buddhist Burmese Religious Nationalism in Myanmar “plays a key role in the expulsion of the Religious and ethnic minority of Myanmar” such as Rohingya. Research has shown that the Religious-Nationalist monks Association MaBaTha manipulate being Burmese and being Buddhist in Myanmar by using social media, (Zin, 2015) songs, sermons, and pamphlets to spread the hate against the Rohingya Community. This study aims to answer the following three address questions: (1) Why the Buddhist Religious Nationalism in Myanmar can be labeled as violent? (2) How monks played a control role in anti-Muslim violence and Rohingya atrocity in the name of Race and Religion protection? (3) What are the relations between MaBaTha 969 movement and Rohingya human rights violations? This paper is part of a wider research of the author and uses the descriptive analysis citing journal articles, previous researches/theses. It is mostly literature-based reviews and analysis of the author, based on secondary sources which are from the reports, human rights investigation reports, the NGO reports. This study finds out MaBaTha has the systemic of violent religious nationalism which leads the human rights violations against ethnic and religious Minority, the Rohingya.
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