The Community Innovation to Strengthening User-friendly Health Services Accessibility among Thai Ethnic Women in Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, and Mae Hong Son

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Kitrawee Jiraratsatit
Ronnapoom Samakkeekarom


Women's inequity problem was still a major problem around the world, especially among ethnic women. In Thailand, there were many ethnic groups settled in all parts of Thailand. However, previous research and surveys showed that they still had not the human rights to gain proper health services. Especially, Thai ethnic women were almost completely separated from society. These situations affected the quality of life and access to basic living life especially, health inequalities, so the social exclusion determinants needed to be studied. This solution will lead to the creation of development processes for the reduction of social barriers and adjusting health service accessibility. This study was qualitative. Data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews and focus-group interviews of 120 Thai ethnic women from 3 provinces in Thailand including Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, and Mae Hong Son. The data were analyzed by using content analysis and data triangulation. The results showed that language restrictions, remoteness of their settlement, beliefs and perspectives of their womanhood, and unclear state registration status were the barrier determinants. From the social exclusion determinants, 1) Thai ethnic women should be promoted their health knowledge and health-self-care skills and increased their awareness about health based on correct knowledge. 2)The assignment of female leaders among Thai Ethic people will be an important way to drive the approach to human rights in many dimensions. 3) The creation of community interpreters was a strong basic need that will integrate the gap between Thai ethnic women and health personnel.

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How to Cite
Jiraratsatit, K. ., & Samakkeekarom, R. (2022). The Community Innovation to Strengthening User-friendly Health Services Accessibility among Thai Ethnic Women in Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, and Mae Hong Son. Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 8(2), 317–334. retrieved from
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