The Relations of Intergenerational Social Mobility and the Degree of Welfare Generosity: A comparative case studies of United States Norway Japan and Thailand
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This paper illustrates the relationship between Welfare Generosity and the Intergenerational Social Mobility by considering the case studies in Norway, Japan, the United States and Thailand as a case study comparison. The analysis database is based on the Comparative Welfare Entitlements Dataset-2, which considers sickness, unemployment, and pension benefits in 2017, together with the World Bank's intergenerational social mobility database in 2018. The research found that welfare characteristics that are friendly to people, both in terms of quantity and quality, affect the promotion of intergenerational social mobility. Countries that use the universal welfare state system like Norway tend to reduce the transfer of property and poverty from parents to the younger generations when the universal welfare system is used continuously. While the countries that the welfare system is a joint venture between the employer and the employee like Japan, the welfare will depend on the expansion and contraction of the domestic economy.
Furthermore, in times of economic contraction, there is a tendency for elite groups to build high walls to maintain their status. Meanwhile, the United States and Thailand, where the welfare system focuses on self-responsibility through market mechanisms, using this system continuously, the generosity of welfare will not develop. Moreover, the elite group is more likely to maintain their status under this kind of welfare system.
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