Humanitarian Response for Improving Quality of Life of Persons with Disabilities: A study on Rohingya Camps of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
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Humanitarian complexities of refugees are one of the con-current widespread concerns of the world. More than one million Rohingya refugees are inherent in Bangladesh currently having fled from extreme violence and oppression by Myanmar government. The momentum and intensity of arrivals have made Kutupalong Mega Camp one of the world’s fastest growing refugee crisis. Although a crisis affects all segments of populace at a stretch, but not being in the homogeneous group, needs and difficulties of refugees with disabilities remain unaddressed. In the study, researcher adopted the segments of twin-track approach considering four domains of QOL for assessing the situation of refugees with disabilities. Blending both qualitative and quantitative methods is done to assess the present context of humanitarian assistance following triangulation method. International and national policy accord on refugees with disabilities are reviewed for partaking in-depth idea. Among the camps, camp 04 and camp 18 at Kutupalong Mega Camp at Kutupalong Mega Camp of Ukhia Upazila in Cox’s Bazar district of Bangladesh are selected for the study.
Respondents having inclusive facilities had statistically significantly higher QOL score (40.07 ± 3.56) compared to the respondents (21.97 ± 2.56), t (141) = 28.76, p = 0.00 deprived of it. Moreover, inclusive respondents had statistically significantly higher self-esteem (31.02 ± 3.55) compared to the exclusive respondents (21.00 ± 2.77), t (141) = 33.42, p = 0.00. The ultimate goal of the study is to deliberate necessity of right-based humanitarian interventions for improving the QOL of persons with disabilities through an inclusive lens.
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