The Child’s Path to International Justice

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Carmen Melania Madriñán


This paper examines key issues and challenges in the development of a complaint procedure for children, that has resulted in the 3rd Optional Protocol to the CRC on a Communications Procedure, in a historical context. The ultimate objective is to advance the application of the OP3 as an essential instrument for consolidation of fundamental rights of children under international law. A literature review on the emergence of the right of petition in the context of international human rights law was undertaken showing the link to the development of the new CRC complaints procedure.  Reports of the Working Group tasked with drafting the OP were reviewed along with other literature and analysis related to OP3.  The nascent jurisprudence under the OP3, namely published observations and decisions of the CRC Committee on early cases, was examined.

       Early use of the OP3 validates some of the concerns expressed in the drafting of the Protocol, such as the possibility of limited access by children and the use of the mechanism by adults to represent their own interests. While evidence shows that in situations indicative of the latter, these were countered through the rigorous interpretation of the CRC provisions, in the case of the former, early experience shows that the level of access and participation of children or use of child specific measures is no different than other communication procedures not specific to children.  Analysis of the first cases also reveals a lack knowledge for submission of petitions with negative impact on admissibility. 


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Madriñán, C. M. (2019). The Child’s Path to International Justice. Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 5(1), 1. retrieved from
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