Transgressing the Boundary- the Experience of a Woman

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Anandita Biswas


The phenomenon called ‘woman’ is contentious. The Promethean entity, invites tremendous amount of debate and controversial discourse. Every aspect of this vivifying existence is shrouded in contest and confrontation. Her ‘being’ is political, her body is a contested arena, and her survival is a never ending pugnacity. Her ‘being’ is the site etched with culturally and socially determined practices and norms. Individuals are moulded and etched by social institution and culture that override biological edifice. From the very ‘womb’ and thereafter infancy, boys and girls are treated differently and are indoctrinated into the belief system of gender specified role being subsumed by perceptions, beliefs and values that structures and manufactures the adult men and women with their specified gender baggage. Women as ‘the other’ represents the subordinate being that must be investigated and dissected until her secrets are laid bare open and divulged. Women are still decorated with ornamented surface that entails enormous amount of discipline, implantation, inoculation, grooming under the ever assertive surveillance of patriarchal culture and male gaze. Patriarchy and consequent commoditization is responsible for constructing a social system that ascribes a particular sexual status, role and temperament for each gender resulting in sex/ gender hierarchy. The primary motive of the paper is to unravel the analogous cogitation of ‘body’, ‘myth’ and ‘social construction’ related to women. The gender premise cannot be analyzed through the monolithic prognosis. It involves diverse heterogeneity with multiple shades of complex deliberation.

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How to Cite
Biswas, A. (2018). Transgressing the Boundary- the Experience of a Woman. Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 4(1), 185–201. retrieved from
Academic Articles