From Economy in Digital Age toward Wars in Quantum Age


  • Wiwatchai Atthakor Graduate School of Public Administration, National Institute of Development Administration.


Technology disruption in digital age and quantum age, quantum supremacy, nuclear war, science of Buddhism for world peace


This research paper employed qualitative research methodology and descriptive analysis of various data from both official sources and research papers of global leading schoars.  The research findings reveal that the technology breakthrough from the digital age to ward the quantum age in the global and the Thai economy.  Both positive economic impacts, increasing productivity and negative impacts, technology disruption. Research and development towards quantum supremacy for the advancement of weapons and nuclear weapons could lead to a massive war escalating from the Ukrainian crisis and the Middle East crisis which have caused global food shortages and the global energy crisis therby increasing global inflation that affect the global and the Thai economy.  In addition to the covid disaster and the failure of the Thai government's administration itself have exacerbated unemplayment and debt crisis.  Quantum research and development should be promoted for world peace.


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