An Analysis ofthe Factors that Influence the Management Capability ofBasic Educational Institution Administrators


  • Panita Sakulkaew


Educational Institution levels 3 -4 under the Office ofthe Basic Education Commission, Management capability, educational institution administrator, individual differences, environmental factors


This study represents an analysis ofthe factors that influence the
management capability ofThai public educational institution administrators at the third andfourth levels under the jurisdiction ofthe Office ofthe Basic Education Commission, Ministry ofEducation, Thailand. Its purpose was threefold: 1) to explore the level ofmanagement capability practiced by Thai public educational institution administrators. 2) to ascertain the major factors and the extent to which they effected the management capability ofT/wipublic educational institution administrator. 3) to propose a model for enhancing the management capability ofTltai public educational institution administrators based on the effects ofsignificant factors.

The research methodology employed quantitative and qualitative methods. The sample included 347 administrators ofThai public educational institutions in 175 Educational Service Areas (ESAs) in the school year 2007, ofwhich 172 were in the 76 Thai provinces andthe remaining 3 in Bangkok, the capital city. All educational institutions were under the jurisdiction ofthe Basic Education Commission (OBEC). The selection followed Yamane's formula at a 95 percent level ofconfidence and was based on a stratified random sampling technique.

1) The management capability ofThai public educational institution administrators was generally high. Among the various management jimctions, planning was rated at the highest level, particularly on "the involvement fi'om related individuals in setting objectives andplanning" and "group positions into manageable andprocess-related units. " Organizing and leading were rated high, particularly on "assign work to be performed, accountability and extent ofauthority" and ''provide motivation environment. "Controlling was rated least high, particularly on "praise andcensure fairly andalign to leading principles, " "revise andadjust control methods in light ofcontrol results and changing conditions, " and"correct deviation through statistical methods. "

2) The analysis ofthe correlations between individual differences and environmental factors affecting the management capability ofeducational institution administrators demonstrated a significant relationship between individual difference factors: skills and leadership, andenvironmental factors: organizational resources and the school board. The order ofcOlrelations was organizational resources, skills, school board, andleadership.

3) A recommended model for increasing the effectiveness ofthe management capability ofThai public educational institution administrators was provided.

