การศึกษาประสบการณ์การบริหารจัดการโดยใช้เครื่องมือ PMQA ของสำนักงานสาธารณสุขจังหวัด (สสจ.)


  • ทิพวรรณ หล่อสุวรรณรัตน์
  • สุขยืน เทพทอง
  • พลอย สืบวิเศษ
  • ภาคภูมิ ฤกขะเมธ
  • ชลิต ศานติวรางคณา


Provincial Public Health Office (PHO), Management experiences, Public Sector Management Duality Award (PMOA)


This paper has two main objectives. First, it reports on the management experiences ofProvincial Public Health Offices in implementing the Public Sector Management Quality Award (PMOA). Second, it suggests guidelines for developing PMOA implementation for the Provincial Public Health Offices. The methodology used consists of qualitative methods using focus groups, seminar meetings, document reviews, work-visits, and interviews. Content analysis is used for analyzing the data. Seven Provincial Public Health Offices participated in thisproject; namely, Nakhon Ratchasima, Lop Boo, Ang Thong, Sukhothai, Nakhon Pathom, UlxJn Ratchathani, and Krabi.

The results ofthis study include shared experiences, lessons leamed, and guidelines for the improvement of the PMOA. Also, the key success factors for the seven categories ofthe PMOA were identified. These categories are: 1) leadership, 2) strategic planning, 3) services and stakeholder focus, 4) measurement, analysis, and knowledge management, 5) workforce focus, 6) process management and 7) results. Finally, the paper proposes an implementation policy for the PMOA as well as provides a clirectjon for future research.
