The Infuence of Organizational Structure on Customer Issue Resolution: A Phenomenological Study on Suvarnabhumi Airport in Thailand


  • Akaparp Borisuth Graduate School of Public Administration, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA).


The purpose of the study was to explore and describe the lived experiences of division directors of Suvarnabhumi Airport in Thailand in resolving customer issue specifcally to understand the infuence of organizational structure on customer issue resolution. This study employed qualitative phenomenological approach to explore and describe the central phenomenon. By employing a modifed van Kaam method by Moustakas (1994) with structured interview and interview protocol in association with feld note taking and observation technique, fve core themes emerged including “customer’s expectation”, “decent structure”, “leadership”, “human resource management”, “merit and patronage systems”. Theme two (decent structure) indicated that decent structure improved customer issue resolution. Four out of fve themes including decent structure, leadership, human resource management, merit and patronage systems found interrelated when customer issue resolution was addressed. Merit and patronage systems were a surprise fnding since this theme did not emerge in the previously similar studies.


