Critical Success Factors for Total Quality Management Implementation within Thai Public Hospitals
Total quality management (TQM) is an integrative management philosophy that aimed at continuous improving the performance of products, process and services. Many organizations have realized that TQM is a key to develop products and services. Quality has become one of the most important competitive strategies tool and it concerns affect the organization in every competitive environment. The objectives of this research were to identify the critical success factors for total quality management implementation within Thai public hospitals. Based on the objectives of the study, the theoretical linkage between the critical factors for TQM and hospital performance was explored. This study is tested by quantitative analysis. The Pearson correlation analysis and regression analysis were used to analyze the association among the variables and were tested the hypothesis. The data were collected from 452 Thai public hospitals. The fndings show that three critical factors CQI, communication, and culture have affected to hospital performance. In this study hospital performance has been evaluated by Hospital Accreditation Institute. In summary, based on this research fnding all people in Thai public hospitals are understand in the concept of Thailand healthcare policy implementation, accept and well-prepare for enhancing and improving their healthcare services by improving all critical factors that effect to performance to gain more quality and safety services to all stakeholders.