Rethinking China’s Claim in the South China Sea: The Engagement between International Relations and International Law

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Thapiporn Suporn


Making sense of any particular event in global politics through the lens of international relations theory seems to be the predominant approach and is widely accepted by the epistemic community. However, this article argues that such an approach narrowly limits the comprehensive appreciation of international relations phenomena. Hence, this article seeks to provide an epistemological contribution by adopting an engagement between international relations and international law. Embracing the new approach, the analysis of China’s claims in the South China Sea requires a fundamental rethinking about the validity of the claims by examining the China’s historic rights, land reclamation, and South China Sea arbitration through the perspectives of international relations and international law. In conclusion, this article contests the traditional approach and offers a new one: an engagement between international relations and international law, which will greatly complement the analyses of both.

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How to Cite
Suporn, T. (2017). Rethinking China’s Claim in the South China Sea: The Engagement between International Relations and International Law. Journal of Mekong Societies, 13(2), 85–113. retrieved from