Dimensions of Chinese Literature in ASEAN Countries: From Homeland Nostalgia to Remarkable Ideology and the Creation of New Identity

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Pairin Srisinthon


This article focuses on the influence of Chinese literature on overseas Chinese literature in ASEAN countries by a comparative literature approach. The study found that the modern Chinese literary trend of realism has influenced overseas Chinese literature in ASEAN countries. The contents of overseas Chinese literature during the first period focused on combating colonialism and the feudal regime as well as on concepts of modern Chinese literature. These literary works were published in local Chinese newspapers. Overseas Chinese literature in ASEAN has continued to develop its own identity by interacting and fusing with the cultures of the countries where the writers live and attempting to seek acceptance from the societies and literary circles in each country.

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How to Cite
Srisinthon, P. (2017). Dimensions of Chinese Literature in ASEAN Countries: From Homeland Nostalgia to Remarkable Ideology and the Creation of New Identity. Journal of Mekong Societies, 13(1), 125–148. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mekongjournal/article/view/84929