Solving economic problem in community by people’s research

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Usa Sutthisakorn


This paper synthesizes the research conducted by people in solving economic problems in their communities. It synthesizes 133 research projects conducted by people in their communities during the period 1987-2006.  The characteristic modes of people’s research were the following: (1) consciousness raising and empowerment, (2) knowledge management, and (3) practice. The epistemology of people’s research is an integral epistemology derived from local, positivism, and post-positivism epistemology, which creates an integral methodology and integral content. The community economy solution includes integral knowledge derived from both traditional wisdom and new technologies. It employs a holistic and comprehensive approach in the community’s production, distribution and consumption; ecological balance; and a multi-faceted approach including socio-cultural, economic, and environment factors as well as the sufficiency economy.

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How to Cite
Sutthisakorn, U. (2013). Solving economic problem in community by people’s research. Journal of Mekong Societies, 5(1), 1–22. retrieved from