The Barter Between Households Economy in Southern Esarn

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Chinasak Suwan-achariya


In this article the definition of barter between households in southern esarn is given, its forms and feature are considered. It is possible to separate four forms of bartering. 1 .An exchange of gifts. 2. Simultaneous barter is inter-conditional transfer of property together with the goods. 3. The commodity credit (one -way trust) is the credit given in the form of product for an indefinite period of time. 4. Two-way trust is reciprocal transfer of some product to each other for a definite period of time.  Barter use at the present time is convenient, as allows to save a great quantity of cash. Practically each household escapes abject poverty by virtue of the considerable part of resources arriving in the form of gratuitous material aid and barter, as for the rural community the ramified network of kinship and neighbor’s mutual aid, friendly support was always characteristic.

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How to Cite
Suwan-achariya, C. (2013). The Barter Between Households Economy in Southern Esarn. Journal of Mekong Societies, 5(2), 45–64. retrieved from