The History of “Mekong Region”

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Kritsada Boonchai


Prior to the emergence of the term “Mekong Region,” the area was already socio-cuituraily diverse. With global geo-politics dominated by western countries producing maps and naming places, the notion of region-ness began. It started with the name^ Indochina Region,” under the concept of international politics security, followed by “Mekong Region” under the concept of modernization and globalization.  The idea of modernization, which is concerned with underdevelopment and poverty, and the concept of globalization, which is concerned with promoting competition and economic integration, then converge at Mekong region-ness.  However, the historical context of the region has generated politico-economic differences, divisions, mistrust, and asymmetrical power relationships to formulate regional policies among countries เท the region. The result is a new politico-economic conflict between the states and transnational organizations, on the one hand, and diverse people’s movements in Mekong region, on the other, as the latter are finding that their lives and wants have not been taken into account in regional developments.

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How to Cite
Boonchai, K. (2013). The History of “Mekong Region”. Journal of Mekong Societies, 6(1), 85–106. retrieved from