Another Side of Preah Vihear: Dimension of Relation

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Pongpun Puington


According to methods of studying epigraphic and architectural remains used by French scholars, the Preah Vihear temple was part of the great Khmer civilization. When the Vichy regime was defeated เท World War II, the French government which was set on maintaining power over Cambodia concentrated on distributing evidence such as details about archaeological sites, antiquities, and inscriptions to the public. After Cambodia gained independence from the French, Khmer intellectuals still believed and were proud of the heritage which the French had established for Cambodia. By the time of the conflict with her neighbor who had invaded and claimed sovereignty over Preah Vihear, apart from that Prince Sihanouk, the chief of state continued to believe that Thai policy coincided with that of her politician’s enemy and had a plot to overthrow the Sangkum Reastr Niyum (Popular Socialist Community), founded by Sihanouk. As a result, the Prince raised an accusation to the International Court of Justice. When the Court reached the final judgment, jurisdiction over Preah Vihear was given to Cambodia. Therefore, Preah Vihear was then written Cambodian history as representing the great Khmer civilization and the victory over her neighbor under the nation-state concept.

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How to Cite
Puington, P. (2013). Another Side of Preah Vihear: Dimension of Relation. Journal of Mekong Societies, 6(1), 57–84. retrieved from