Review Article: The documentary survey on Vietnam-U.S. relationship in Vietnamese thesis

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Thananan Boonwanna


The documentary survey on Vietnam-U.S. relationship was conducted to examine theses on Vietnamese history studied in Vietnam and published during 1985-2010. The study found that students divided the studies into three periods: 1) The relationship before 1954 was found in only one thesis. 2) The relationship during 1954-1975 focused on the fighting against U.S. by several groups of Vietnamese such as Vietnamese women, workers, soldiers and people. 3) The relationship during 1975-2000 was the subject of only two theses. The second period was the interest of most students, yielding the largest number of theses. The theses on this period clearly reflect the negative views of Vietnamese towards U.S. while those on the other two periods provided a smaller number of issues. However, issues found in those two periods also reflect the development of relationship between the two countries in other dimensions rather than the confrontation in the war.

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How to Cite
Boonwanna, T. (2013). Review Article: The documentary survey on Vietnam-U.S. relationship in Vietnamese thesis. Journal of Mekong Societies, 8(1), 63–94. retrieved from
Review Article