Assessing The Impact of Economic Growth on Social Advancement in Vietnam

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Hoa Quynh Nguyen


According to the comprehensive development perspective, the combination of rapid economic growth, poverty reduction and human development ensures progress and social equality. This viewpoint was clearly defined in Vietnam’s Social-Economic Development Strategy of 2001-2010 and followed continuously during the period of 2011-2020. The UN Human Development Report 2010 ranked Vietnam among the top 10 countries in the world with the most progress in economic growth and human development. In recent years, however, every aspect of progress for society has slowed down or taken a step backward compared to the progress of economic growth, causing a decrease in the pace of human development. This article assesses the impact of economic growth on social advancement in Vietnam from 2001 to the present, specifically in terms of improvement in living standards, human development and social equity, all of which have policy implications for increasing social advancement of Vietnam in the future.

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How to Cite
Nguyen, H. Q. (2016). Assessing The Impact of Economic Growth on Social Advancement in Vietnam. Journal of Mekong Societies, 12(1), 25–40. retrieved from