Cost-benefit Analysis of Climate Adaptation: A Case Study of Mangrove Conservation and Reforestation in Ca Mau Province, Vietnam

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Nam Hoang Nguyen


Mangroves are widely acknowledged for their great biodiversity values and their protective values against climate change impacts, particularly high waves from extreme events. This paper was aimed at partially filling the information gap relating to the economic valuation and cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of mangroves in Ca Mau province, Vietnam. Accordingly, two project options were examined, mangrove conservation and mangrove reforestation. The study found that the total net benefit of mangroves in Ca Mau is US$ 1,692.50 per hectare per year and that both mangrove conservation and reforestation would likely be beneficial to the province. Nevertheless, individuals from other perspectives might have different opinions. Local people may favor other sources of income, such as shrimp farming, rather than public mangroves. Results of the CBAs can be useful bases for decision makers in the province.

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How to Cite
Nguyen, N. H. (2015). Cost-benefit Analysis of Climate Adaptation: A Case Study of Mangrove Conservation and Reforestation in Ca Mau Province, Vietnam. Journal of Mekong Societies, 11(2), 19–43. retrieved from