Gender and Remittances Across the Mekong Subregion

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Aree Jampaklay
Nara Khamkhom
Kim Korinek
Sirinan Kittisuksathit
Min Ko Ko
Serey Sok
Virak Prum


This paper draws upon qualitative data collected in 2016 to evaluate the influence of gender upon decision-making processes regarding migration and the utilization of remittances within the context of the Mekong subregion. The study analyzes the perspectives of migrant family members from their country of origin (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar) and their destination country (Thailand). By illustrating the underlying reasons and motivations on migration, and sending/receiving/utilizing remittances, the findings provide insights on the role of gender in the decision making process for migrants and their families.

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How to Cite
Jampaklay, A., Khamkhom, N., Korinek, K., Kittisuksathit, S., Ko Ko, M., Sok, S., & Prum, V. (2022). Gender and Remittances Across the Mekong Subregion. Journal of Mekong Societies, 18(2), 1–26. retrieved from