From Revolutionary Heroes to Hero Kings: The Revival of King Fa Ngum’s Glorification under the Lao Communist Regime, since late 1990s
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The objective of this article is to study the glorification of king Fa Ngum as crucial signifier of Lao nation under the Lao communist regime since late 1990s. The study founded that the glorification of King Fa Ngum reflect the revision of Lao government ideas of state nationalism and symbol, from the old concept which focused on praising the leadership of revolutionary heroes to the new concept, the hero kings. The meaning of king Fa Ngum glorification, however, is not to celebrate the monarchy but the Lao communist regime hope to inspire Lao nationalism in order to stabilize the Lao communist regime. On the process of king Fa Ngum glorification, the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party relate itself as the legitimate heir of the hero kings.
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How to Cite
Puttichot, A. (2014). From Revolutionary Heroes to Hero Kings: The Revival of King Fa Ngum’s Glorification under the Lao Communist Regime, since late 1990s. Journal of Mekong Societies, 10(1), 1–24. retrieved from