Educational Attitudes of Cambodian People in Thailand Toward Thai-Cambodian Relationships: Some Observations and Recommendations

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Ampa Kaewkumkong


This study, which collected data through questionnaires and interviews, shows that presently Cambodians in Thailand give high importance to education and have positive attitudes toward the Thai educational system and previous educational assistance from Thailand.  It also proposes further cooperation and assistance.   However, Cambodian university students in Thailand have a less positive perspective than do other groups. This result leads the researchers to believe that the study can be used as a guideline to not only build good understandings between the two countries but also to decrease the effect of mutual misunderstandings and prejudices. Therefore, this paper would like to present important observations from educational perspectives of Cambodians in Thailand toward Thai-Cambodian relations. It also proposes a guideline for using education as a mean to improve relations between Thailand and Cambodia in order to build a sustainable relationship.

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How to Cite
Kaewkumkong, A. (2013). Educational Attitudes of Cambodian People in Thailand Toward Thai-Cambodian Relationships: Some Observations and Recommendations. Journal of Mekong Societies, 9(2), 117–138. retrieved from