Laws in I-saan before Governmental Reformation

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Suwit Theerasasawat


Before the reforms of King Rama V, Central rulers did not impose the same laws across all locations within their vicinity. Within Isan different laws were used in different zones. In South Isan where the majority of population was Thai-Korat, Thai-Khmer, and Thai-Kuy, the Sam Duang Law and Jatu Sadom system of ruling of Ayudhaya were applied. In the Central and North Isan where the majority of the population was Thai-Lao, ruling systems followed that of Lanchang while the laws were adapted from Ayudhaya. Before the rule of Central Thai, Isan used Kosarat Law. This Law was issued by King Bhodhisalrath and was enforced in Lan-na, Lanchang and Isan.

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How to Cite
Theerasasawat, S. (2006). Laws in I-saan before Governmental Reformation. Journal of Mekong Societies, 2(1), 143–161. retrieved from