Rupture between Pattern Receiving and Significance Acceptance of Chinese Folk Art

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Wang Hui Ying
Warunee Phusanam


In Social Transition of China, whether the folk-art receiver had accepted the meaning of artistic symbol or not, how the degree it got to, directly impact the status of folk art in people ‘s mind and in the village’s cultural existing state. When people only received form and pattern of art symbol, neglected symbolic meaning that art symbol implicated during receiving process, their acceptance would became apparent and superficial. Folk-art symbol fascinated people by expressing their cultural significance. Under boosting of mass culture society nowadays, if the villager do not pay attention to cultural significance of folk- art symbol, a rupture would appear between pattern receiving and meaning acceptance, then the lost of the most powerful recognizance of folk-art to maintain exist and flourish in the future.

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How to Cite
Ying, W. H., & Phusanam, W. (2013). Rupture between Pattern Receiving and Significance Acceptance of Chinese Folk Art. Journal of Mekong Societies, 2(3), 73–94. retrieved from