The Khmer Rouge discrimination policy toward Cham

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Nathaporn Thaijongrak


Cham is one the ethnic groups in Cambodia which has been fallen into a victim of The Khmer Rougeus regime. The Khmer Rouge had gained power, it used compromise policies towards the Cham. However everything was changed. After the establishment of The Democratic Kampuchea. The regime set up various rules which took away the rights of Chams to practice Islam. Subsequently, Cham people struggled to revolt against the regime. Most Cham people were killed. Even today, impact of the Khmer Rouge discrimination policy are still visible in the Cham communities.

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How to Cite
Thaijongrak, N. (2013). The Khmer Rouge discrimination policy toward Cham. Journal of Mekong Societies, 3(2), 35–59. retrieved from