Technology of Self to end drug dependence: Constructivist grounded theory

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Prissana Chanawat


This  research  demonstrates that  drug  addiction  therapy  in  the  past  was a destructive process that made addicts  powerless.  This  study  indicates  that  termination  of  drug  dependence  is  conditioned  by   respecting  the  dignity  of  the  addicts  as  human  beings.  This  study  uses  the  concept  of  technology  of  self,  which  emphasizes the  “self”  of  drug  addicts.  The  study  suggests  that  drug  addicts  can  end  addiction  through  their  will  and  their  own  decision.  The  process  of  ending drug use  begins  with  the  understanding  of  the stigmatization  imposed  by   society  toward drug  addicts  and  deviants.  This  study  reveals  that  self-power  develops  from  an addict’s own  desire.  A  sense of integrity in  ending   drug   dependence   emerge   from  the  drug   addict’s experiences  in  getting  love,  care,  and  commitment  from  family,  friends,  or  colleagues.  This  research is  intended  to open a new area of research on ending  drug  dependence  through  the  use  of constructivist  grounded  theory.

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How to Cite
Chanawat, P. (2013). Technology of Self to end drug dependence: Constructivist grounded theory. Journal of Mekong Societies, 3(3), 25–49. retrieved from