Job Characteristics Factors Influencing Employees’ Organizational Commitment in Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (Head Office)
Job Characteristics Factor, Organizational Commitment, Bangkok Mass Transit AuthorityAbstract
Human resources are the driving force an organization's success, as they bring skills, knowledge, and experience to achieve organization's goals. In addition, by investing in the development of human resource management systems, organizations can foster loyalty and motivation, leading to higher performance and a competitive edge. Therefore, the research aimed to study (1) the opinion levels about the job characteristics factor, (2) the opinion levels about organizational commitment, and (3) the influence of the job characteristics factors on organizational commitment of employees of the Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (Head Office). This study was quantitative research. The population used in this study was 529 employees of the Bangkok Mass Transit Authority Headquarters. The sample size was determined by Taro Yamane's method. The sample size was 228 people. The instrument used in the study was a questionnaire. The statistics used in the analysis were frequency, percentage, mean and multiple regression analysis. The results of the study revealed that (1) employees had opinions about the job characteristics factor at a high level, (2) employees had opinions about organizational commitment at a high level, and (3) the job characteristics factor including diverse job tasks, feedback receiving and the unique aspects of the work influenced on the organizational commitment with statistically significance at the level of 0.01 and could jointly predict the organizational commitment at 60.40%.
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