Service Innovation Factors and Organizational Image Factors Affecting Satisfaction of Service Users of a State Enterprise in Suphanburi Province
Service Innovation, Organizational image, SatisfactionAbstract
This research studied the opinion levels of service innovation factors, organizational image factors, and satisfaction of service by users, as well as the service innovation factors and organizational image factors affecting the satisfaction of service by users of a state enterprise in Suphanburi Province. The sample group consisted of 400 service users of a state enterprise in Suphanburi Province, selected by random sampling. The research tool was a questionnaire. The statistics used for analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, simple regression, and multiple regression. The research results found that the overall opinion level of service innovation factors, organizational image factors, and satisfaction were at a high level. The hypothesis testing found that: service innovation factors affected the satisfaction of service with a predictive power of 47.20%, and organizational image factors consisting of the executives, staff, and service operations affected the satisfaction of service with a predictive power of 61.10% with a statistical significance level of 0.05.
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