Factors Affecting to Staffs and Student’s Behavior toward Low Carbon Faculty Policy of Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahidol University
Perception, Career Attitude, Behavior, Low Carbon FacultyAbstract
This research studied the perception, attitudes, subjective norm, and behavior toward the Low Carbon Faculty policy of the Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies. The total population of 319 participants consisted of staff (90 respondents) and students (229 respondents). Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 18. The frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Independent Samples Test: T-Test, One-way ANOVA, and regression analysis were used. The results showed that the attitude toward behavior, willingness, and behavior of staff were at the highest level, while perceived behavioral control of behavior and the subjective norm were at a high level. The students’ attitude toward the behavior was at the highest level. Willingness, behavior, and perceived behavioral control were at a high level. The subjective norm about the behavior was at a middle level. Factors affecting the willingness of staff and students to adopt the behaviors were: the attitudes toward the behavior for the staff (β = 0.63, p-value=0.00), and for the students (β = 0.41, p-value = 0.00), the perceived control of the behavior for the staff (β = 0.28, p-value = 0.00), and for the students (β = 0.31, p-value = 0.00 ), and subjective norms about the behavior of the staff (β = 0.09, p-value = 0.02). The subjective norms about the behavior of the students negatively influenced their willingness (β = 0.04, p-value = 0.21). The willingness of staff and students has a positive influence on their behavior (β = 0.78, p-value = 0.00 and β = 0.63, p-value = 0.00, respectively) toward the Low Carbon Faculty policy.
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